Our Team

<p>We are a team of young, talented creatives who thrive on developing individual concepts and successfully implementing innovative ideas to achieve optimal end results for our clients. We have many years of experience in designing concepts, scripts and programmes for theatre, television and events; from the small stage to the big arena.</p>

Mit Evelyn und Günter Knappe stehen eine ausgebildete Schauspielerin und ein gelernter Journalist mit ihrem Namen für unser Unternehmen. In dieser Schnittmenge aus Kreativität und Handwerk bewegen wir uns schon seit über 15 Jahren. Gestartet als Produktionsfirma für Film und Fernsehen haben wir über die Jahre unser Portfolio erweitert und sind heute eine etablierte Agentur für Kommunikation, Inszenierung und Event. Außerdem zählen wir mittlerweile eine junge, innovative Digital-Unit mit den Schwerpunkten Webdesign sowie Entwicklung digitaler und hybrider Formate zu unserem Unternehmen.

„Umwege zulassen mit dem Kompass im Kopf.“

Für unsere Kunden gestalten wir ganzheitliche Prozesse und greifen dabei auf unsere langjährige Erfahrung in der Event- und Kommunikationsbranche zurück. Wir hören zu und beraten unsere Kunden auf Augenhöhe sowie mit strategischem Weitblick. Unsere Konzepte sind individuell auf den Kunden zugeschnitten und harmonieren mit passgenau entwickelten Lösungen. Die Umsetzung von uns anvertrauten Produktionen erfolgt zuverlässig und „state of the art“.

Unser über Jahre aufgebautes und gepflegtes Partner-Netzwerk stärkt uns dabei den Rücken und ist integraler Bestandteil unserer Agentur.

„Wege entstehen dadurch, dass man sie geht.“

Dieses Credo ist bei Knappe1a nicht nur Leitsatz unserer Kundenbeziehungen sondern spiegelt auch die Entwicklung unseres eigenen Unternehmens wieder. Wir identifizieren uns mit den Herausforderungen unserer Kunden und suchen individuelle Lösungswege.

Wir verstehen uns sowohl als langfristige Partner unserer Kunden aber auch als effiziente Macher, wenn es einmal schnell gehen muss. Wir werden insbesondere für unsere hohe inhaltliche und gestalterische Kompetenz geschätzt - wie auch für ein betont unauffälliges Auftreten im Hintergrund, das für reibungslose Abläufe und Perfektion in der Umsetzung von Projekten sorgt.

Our Team

Evelyn Knappe

Managing partner

At the head of Knappe1a und Partner agency you will find Evelyn Knappe, a renowned events specialist with extensive experience. Evelyn was also a professional stage performer and creative artist ,as well as production and recording manager for television and live productions, giving her an all-round vision and understanding of the business. Approaching all projects with a wealth of creativity, an unerring eye for budgeting, and excellent organisational skills, she is the perfect candidate to lead our team and network of partners in their pursuit to offer first class results.

Michaela Schmiedmeier

Managing Director’s Assistant / Accounting

Michaela has many years experience in accounting and administration which she puts to excellent use planning and monitoring budgets and accounts alongside the managing director. Michaela oversees the entire accounting system for the company. As well as this role she has been project manager for the Offerta cooking stage at the Karlsruhe Trade Fair for years managing the entire event process with the main promoters.

Daniel Freytag

Creative director and developer

Daniel Freytag is responsible for creating expert visuals and video content for many of our events. As a programmer and developer he also constructs applications, including voice user interfaces and mobileapps. During his work for SWR he was nominated for the German Radio Award in the category "Best Innovation" with his SWR3 Elchbot 2019. A primary strength and focus for Daniel is digital storytelling for web and video, having already worked with well-known brands such as Red Bull, Landesmarketing Baden-Württemberg and Valentino.

Luca Wernert

Public Relations

Having extensive experience in public relations within various associations and organisations, Luca knows the tricks of the trade when it comes to designing individual, unique communication strategies and utilises the efficiency and delicacy of social media as an extension of the tools needed to effectively deliver a message. In the Knappe1a team he is an outstanding project manager and developer who manages even the most complex processes methodically and transparently.

Thomas Saur

Technical Director and Stage Manager

For many years we have been working closely with the experienced event master and stage manager, Thomas Saur on our major projects. Thomas has an extensive network, having worked with all the relevant and top technical service providers. He has also been responsible for national and international tours and major events. He is personally responsible for the technical aspects of DAS FEST (Karlsruhe City Marketing and Event GmbH) and Burgfest (Hoepfner private brewery), among others.

Arne Graesser

IT Developer and Project Manager

As project manager and IT developer, Arne has been working at ZKM for over 10 years on user interaction design for public spaces, as well as various media projects alongside Grayon.de, RE-ACTOR and Videoartlab. For television productions he has developed websites and apps for mobile phones. Analytical, organised and creative, he thinks outside the box and delivers alternative goal-fulfilling solutions.

Victoria Wood

Journalist from England

Victoria Wood is a freelance writer and mother of three based in the south of Spain. Life for her is primarily based around a healthy diet, lifestyle and educating herself and those around her how to live 'well'. Victoria has been a writer for the past twenty years.

Her work includes translation, an environmental column, journalistic editorials and social media management. She is also a proofreader and editor, and is currently working on her first novel.

Johanna Bleß


Johanna gehört seit dem pandemie-bedingten Digital-Jahr 2020 zu unserem Team und unterstützt unsere Projekte im Bereich der Programmierung und des Web-Designs. Sie studiert Medien und Informationswesen an der Hochschule Offenburg und ist dort nah an den aktuellen Trends und Entwicklungen in der Branche. In ihrer Freizeit ist Johanna als talentierte Chor-Sängerin künstlerisch unterwegs.

Karen Steiner

Junior Events Project Manager

Karen is an experienced assistant director who coordinates theatre and stage productions. She has studied the field of events with artist Enno Ilka Uhde and the Industrial Theatre. She is currently studying theatre instruction at the University of Education, Ludwigsburg.

Catharina Hoepfner

Creative Photographer

After successfully completing her apprenticeship as a photo designer, "Cathah" has become an inquisitive and creative photographer and artist as she tirelessly seeking out the unusual with her camera. She has worked with us for many years producing incredible pictures; a designer with a unique eye, attention to detail, with a spirited, detailed view and highly creative mind.

Günter Knappe

Agency Founder, Author and Director

Günter Knappe is a journalist, author and director of theatre, film and television. For over 20 years he has worked in various media companies as editor-in-chief, program director and management until he founded his own film production agency. As an author and director he develops the artistic concepts for events and stage shows. As a highly experienced communications expert, he also advises our clients on strategic corporate communications.